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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Day, Another Ship

We were surprised Thursday morning on the hike to the hospital, emerging from the forest there was a grand cruiser in the channel as near as we have seen one yet. In addition, the morning sun made possible the clearest view of the volcano so far.

We explored a bit more of the city today. Having forgotten to bring any headgear on our journey, and dealing either with sun and rain every day, we purchased an inexpensive cap which will also serve as a souvenir. We also scouted out a few other native souvenir items. But window shopping and wandering without any solid goals makes us tire quickly. On top of this, walking more than six miles each of the last three days has started to weigh on us.

During a break on the docks, we saw a jellyfish moving slowly through the water. Also watched a group of three couples unload twenty or so bags of groceries and supplies from a van, and haul them down to their boat, then motor away to their island. Because of the steep prices, locals with the means often take the ferry to Juneau, the state's capital, where they can shop the major chains, such as Costco, and stock up on staples, buying in bulk at much lower prices.

Despite being tired at 8pm, the sun is still up in the sky, the temperature is still inviting, and we are in Alaska. The urge to go out for more is strong.

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